Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Alex Fong - Bitter to Sweet

你拋不開 手裡的工作
亦追跟趕 到校舍趕接放學
夜深一點 教導我末
待天一光 又來催我上學堂
你在昨天 辛苦太過

*所有父母 也盼子女成材
就算他 獎與罰也總帶著愛
世上哪個 如父母親愛

奔波一世的你 艱辛的困境扶育我
舉首凝視 似是大樹護蔭的你

彈指之間 歲月巳飄去
父子之間 總也有歡笑眼
在血緣能找到 萬般的親抹不去
漫畫書本 不要我偷看
學多一點 未來少一些出錯
你在昨天 叮囑過我

Repaet *#

往日難為是你 日夕掛心
從前頑童成熟了 求你別皺眉

Repaet (#)

盼未來能讓我 努力 報答你

From the album: At Your Distant Vicinity

First off, sorry for the long time no update.

I don't know if you may know this, but Alex Fong is one of my biggest idols. He's probably the biggest, but I'll try to keep this as unbiased as I can.

The lyrics here refer to a parents love for their child, which is really sweet. In Alex's other songs, they usually sing about break ups, and relationships, so it was nice to hear a change. He sings it all very well. I wasn't sure that Alex could bring his voice so high up, but he accomplishes it very well. A lot of the lyrics are very true and easy to relate to. For example the title, Bitter to Sweet, is already true. When you're young, you fail to appreciate a parents love and might think they punish you, but as you grow older you realize why they did what they did.

The video itself is well done. He uses personal pictures and video clips in it, which I think make the viewer feel a closer connection to the MV. I know I sure did! My favourite part comes in with the clip of him in the Olympic Games which was obviously a big achievement for him.

The filming of the MV is great too. The lighting and positioning of the camera really brings out his eyes, and the softened focus makes the video really sweet too. The only thing I would change is if Alex were to move a little bit more as opposed to sittting down singing the entire time. But that seems to be in many MVs.

The special touch of the baby pictures, I think, really got his fans. It's almost like he let people into his personal life, which is rare in celebrities nowadays

For this music video, I rate it

Pros came in during the pictures straight from his own albums
Cons were him just sitting, as opposed to moving xD

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